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The One whose love was so much more, than any love that'd been before Where His feet had walked streets of gold, with beauty so brilliant and with stories untold He left His Kingdom to show us the way, and pay for our sin on that scandalous day He came no different but was fully God, to rule as a King with a Shepherd's rod He was given to Mary to nurture and to love, until baptized by John and kissed of a dove He grew in wisdom, stature and favor and taught in the Temple with a faith unwavered He came not to judge by the letter of the law, but to fulfill a promise resulting from the fall His feet made way down dusty roads, to sustain the weak; to bear their heavy loads Sinners He'd call and others they'd bring, to worship this Prince of a Heavenly King Truth He'd teach from mountains and from lakes, in Parables that only willing hearts could take He searched out the lonely and defended the needy; He'd called out the Pharisees and admonished the greedy He healed with a touch and His grace so sweet, His kindness poured out to all He'd meet With His heart so kind so pure within, both alike for enemies and friends He presented the Truth that all would hear, some believed, but some ran in fear With a burden so heavy for this world full of hate, He went to the garden and accepted His fate He didn't back away He stood firm His ground, they searched feverishly but no sin was found Their voices rose high their shouts grew loud, to seize a King who had never been proud The Sadducees, Pharisees and religious scribes, convinced High Rulers who took a traitor's bribe No one stayed and with one traitor's kiss, they arrested my Savior to beat with their fists They accused Him, stripped Him and spit in His face, in mockery and laughter they called Him a disgrace He defended Himself not with anything He said, to the insults and lies or the crown on His head No guilt was found no blame indeed, but He carried a cross that was meant for you and me They nailed Him to that cross in the most humiliating way, He looked on them with pity, "God forgive them", He'd pray The soldiers unknowingly killed a blameless sacrifice, they fulfilled prophecy with our Messiah, Jesus Christ It was amazing grace that nailed him on display, with His love stretched out so we could all have a way It was finished when this Mighty Warrior breathed His last, and the veil was torn, it'd be nothing like the past As His side was pierced, the blood flowed as wine, the ground shook with fear and the sun refused to shine His mother broken fell to the ground and cried, but the wrath of His Father was completely satisfied They laid His body in a borrowed and guarded tomb, all lost hope as they felt the dreaded doom As word got around the Savior of the world was dead, lives seemed shattered He wasn't who He'd said The devil danced, laughed and shouted "Victory!", little did he know, that wasn't all of the story For in just 3 days on a glorious Sabbath day, light shone bright as the stone was rolled away The Savior of the world who they thought was dead, resurrected from the grave to give life instead The love the Father has, was given through His Son, death was defeated and our victory was won To understand the depth He paid at Calvary, is to grasp His desire to show His love for me I couldn't bridge the gap or pay the penalty, so He became my sin and paid its price for me My Lord and Savior Christ has risen to His throne, He's preparing me a place and soon will call me home Until that time I see I gladly stay behind, to share this Truth with you and pray His face you'll find Accept Him in your heart and humbly bend your knee, take His kiss of life and you will be set free Tarita💜 

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