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My Heart Cries with His Tears

I yearn for the soul who has run away from God, they're screaming inside behind their happy nod Sometimes it's hard to tell in the people that I meet, they hide it so well on their path of pure deceit. I fall on my face and anguish in my cries, for people who are lost in the desert of lies They thirst for a drink to quench and satisfy, His cup they push away and His water they deny Evil is rampant in our land of the free, but the steeples raised up for all to see In defiance and rebellion they hide in their fears, denying the Truth that the end is oh so near. The signs are all here it's so dark and so dreary, Your children fight on but have become so weary They brag and they boast about walking with the dead, and never lend ear to what Jesus has said They want all that's good and demand to be blessed, they refuse Him as Lord and His Name they won't confess I've tried to explain. I've tried to implore. Turn to Christ, because it's your sin that he bore It's not found in religion, a "higher power", or good deeds, it's found at the cross and He's all that you need God gave us his Son to free us from our shame, we all need forgiving and that's why Jesus came This land needs reviving and I wish they all could see, how desperate it's becoming and how on fire we need to be The church's lamp is flickering and the lights almost out, because we're unbelieving and we're shrouded in doubt God's children need to uncover the veil from their eyes, the church isn't a building with just hypocrites inside The Lord takes serious of how we treat His bride, please examine your hearts for lust greed and pride We need to be an example and show them how to kneel, to pick up their cross and to trudge up that hill Our hearts need to rip because the church is in need, of some humble repentance, oh God help us please! Remind us of Scripture and how You worked the past, You called the anointed who declared a holy fast You called them to assemble and to cry out the same, to storm Your very presence and to call on Your Name There's something about gathering You delight in so, when your children unite it's where Your Spirit flows You now call us together to sacrifice one meal, that You would flood our soul and touch our land to heal Please allow us to shine with the light of your Son, to stand firm on the promise that the battle has been won Thank You for Your mercy, Your heart full of love, for hearing and responding from your throne room above This prayer is for Your people to rise up and be, a city on a hill for all the world to see So lead Your people home, hold back the raging sea, so we can all rejoice, throughout eternity

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